Melanie's Newest Release: Fingerprints of God
Fingerprints of God is a beautifully poetic book, teaching children that the world has been created and that God is the Creator. If you simply look at the beauty of the galaxy, the earth, and everything on the earth you can clearly see the truth of God's magnificent creation. At the end of the story there are fun facts to captivate the minds of readers of all ages.
Endorsements for this book
Andrew Wommack - Founder and President of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College
This is an awesome book for anyone, not just children. But children will love the simplicity of these truths and the beautiful illustrations. The rhymes stick in your mind and heart. They'll still be speaking to them as they encounter all the unbelief that is thrown at them as they mature into adults. I highly recommend this book for your children and believe you will also be encouraged as you see God's fingerprints everywhere, even on this book.
Stephen Bransford - Author Riders of the Long Road
"I must read this to our grandchildren. It's an entertaining teaching tool, helping children discern the Creator in everything from the magnificent to the whimsical."

About the Author
Melanie Burgess
Melanie Burgess, author and illustrator, is a graduate of Charis Bible College, a licensed minister, and mother of three children, Megan, Grace and Matthew. In 2014, she and her husband, David, moved from Colorado Springs back to Keyser, WV, where they are camp hosts at Rocky Gap State Park in Maryland. The aviary at the park inspired her first children’s book, Stinky Owl, and she is part of the Headline Books School Show Program.
Melanie was born in 1971 to David and Sandy Wade. She is the middle child with an older sister, Bethany and younger brother Kenny. She grew up in Westernport, MD. Rocky Gap State Park was a big part of Melanie's childhood. In 1978 the campground at the park was opened to the public. Melanie was 7 years old when her parents started taking the family to the park for fun filled camping trips. Over the next 8 years the summers were filled with frequent weekend trips to the campground and many times for a weeks vacation. Rocky Gap has given Melanie life long memories, which include swimming in the lake, playing volleyball with new friends., roasting marshmallows over the campfire, long hikes, and playing gin rummy late into the night with sounds of crickets, whipperwhills, and hoot owls. Rocky Gap has also given her a deep love for nature and wildlife.